I want to let you know about the latest SAS newsletter, hot off the press! There are a total of 16 freebies - yes, you read that right - 16 freebies included. Make sure to sign up at stoneaccentsstudio.com so you don't miss an issue, and here's the link for the current newsletter.
Also, I was tagged by Barbara (DigiMomDesigns) and saw this blog meme for WAHMs link on her blog. It's a place for some "positivity" for work-at-home-moms, which we all need. Having kids who are older (my youngest is finishing 9th grade, the two middle ones graduating high school soon, and oldest just completed his sophomore year in college,) the thing I've learned is that as they get older, they still need their parents around. Some of the actual needs change... it's no longer the kissing-the-boo-boos and making lunch every day kind of thing... but their lives are very busy and that means MY life is busy. Whether it's carting the boys to their orthodontist appointments, sports events, or music festivals, I've had the freedom to work around these without having the pressure of reporting in to someone else and worrying about my work not getting done, since I make my own hours. Sometimes they just need to talk things through. I actually got chastized by my college-age son a couple of months ago for not calling him enough. (Hmmm... I actually did call him several times but they were not convenient times for him to have a lengthy conversation, so apparently that doesn't count...)
I actually was in the workforce for over 20 years (held a job since I was 16 years old), but as soon as I was able to stay home with my kids, I did. Bottom line is, I am so grateful for having been a SAHM/WAHM and for having the flexibility I need for my children. I'd like to hear from a few other WAHMs, so I'm going to tag Luisa, Mel, and Lisa Joy.